Welcome to Shults Grove Christian Church
Located in the Rocky Flats community in Cosby, TN
We are a one room fellowship, joined together in one heart, and one Father
Member Testimonials
I once read that the darker a room is the brighter the light appears. The death of my two sons brought a deep dark emptiness, yet also revealed the comforting light of the Lord. Father God lifted me and kept me during the long nights and tiring road. He is my hope; He is my everything. I thank Him each day for the prayers given on my behalf and for my family in Christ ! - Kim
I cannot praise my Lord enough for all the blessings He has bestowed upon me! He saved my soul at an early age, then kept me through years of wandering, blessed me with a wonderful family, and then carried me through a cancer diagnosis, of which my peace came through prayers of the saints of this little church. This little congregation...only God can build a body of believers like this who become your family. Praise Him both now and forever more! - Rhonda
I attended this church until I become a teenager and left thinking I didn't need God. Was I wrong, but by the Love, Mercy, and Grace of God I found my way back. Now I give him all the praise and glory. - Theresa